Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Belly Fat Burning Exercises

We all wish to have a flat tummy with six-packs, but somehow, it eludes most of us. This is definitely why many of us seek belly fat burning exercises to bring us closer to our aim. Not every one of us can go to the gym daily, however, we can exercise for belly fat at home.

If you fall into the category of people looking for exercises to get rid of belly fat, you are reading the right post. In this post, we will show you 9 belly fat burning exercises that have worked for many people. Are you ready? Let’s get to the crux of this post.


Best Exercises For a Flat Belly

We advise that prior to engaging in any of these exercises, you should warm-up for about 10 minutes. This will help you prepare your muscles for any of the routines mentioned below. After the warm-up session, take a break for 10 seconds and get to work.

Lying leg raises


It focuses on the upper abs, lower abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

The process

Step 1 – Lie flat on a mat then place your thumbs directly beneath your hips with your palms flat on the mat or floor. Gradually, raise your feet from the floor while looking at the ceiling. While doing this, ensure that you engage your core. This is just the beginning position.

Step 2 – Now lift both legs to about a 90-degree angle then bring them down slowly.

Step 3 – Just before your legs hit the floor, raise them back up. Try to do 3 sets, each with 15 reps.

What you shouldn’t do

Don’t let your feet drop completely to the floor. Also, don’t use your hands to support your legs while lifting.

Leg in and out


This exercise focuses on the upper abs, hamstrings, lower abs, glutes, and quads.

The process

Step 1 – Sit down on a mat and put your hands behind with your palms flat on the floor or mat. Gradually raise your legs above the floor while leaning back a little. This is the beginning position.

Step 2 – Tuck your legs inward together and at the same time, bring the upper part of your body towards your knees.

Step 3 – Return to the beginning position and start over. We advise that you do 2 sets with 20 reps each.

What you shouldn’t do

Don’t station your hands at a wide distance apart when they are behind you.

Scissor kicks


Upper abs, glutes, lower abs, quads, and hamstrings.

The process

Step 1 – Lay down on your mat while placing both palms beneath your hips.

Step 2 – Gradually raise your head, legs, and upper back from the floor. This is the beginning position.

Step 3 – Gradually lower the left leg but before it touches the mat or floor, raise it again while lowering the right leg.

Step 4 – To round up a set, you should do this about 12 times. Try doing 3 sets, each of 12 reps each. It is important that you take a break of about 20 seconds before transitioning to the next routine.

What you shouldn’t do

You shouldn’t hold your breath or rush through this exercise.



Upper and lower abs.

The process

Step 1 – lay down on the floor or a mat then gently flex your knees. As you do this, place both feet on the floor.

Step 2 – Station your thumbs behind your ears, one behind each ear while using the remaining fingers to hold the head. Raise your head above the floor. This is the beginning position.

Step 3 – Start the exercise by curling up aiming for your knees using your head.

4 – Return to the beginning position.

Step 5 – It is important that you inhale when curling upwards and exhale when going the opposite direction. Do 2 sets of this exercise, each with 12 reps.

What you shouldn’t do

Try not to tuck in your chin.

Bicycle crunches


Lower abs, obliques, upper abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

The process

Step 1 – Lay flat on a mat then flex your knees. As you do this, gradually lift both feet off the mat or floor.

Step 2 – Place your thumbs behind your ears like in the exercise above. Also, hold the head with the other fingers like in crunches described above. Slowly lift your head off the mat or floor. This is the beginning position.

Step 3 – Extend your left leg forward by pushing it downward. At the same time, curl and twist your upper body to the right. Try to use your left elbow to touch your right knee.

4 – Return to the beginning position.

Step 5 – Now carry out the same routine with the right knee stretched out this time. We advise that you do 2 sets of this exercise, 12 reps each. Before moving to the next routine, you should take a break of about 10 to 15 seconds.

What you shouldn’t do

Don’t rush to complete the exercise and while doing the exercise, resist the urge to tuck in your chin.

Half-seated reverse crunch


Glutes, upper abs, and lower abs.

The process

Step 1 – Sit on the floor or a mat and flex the knees. While doing this, place both feet on the mat or floor. Gradually lean back using your elbows to support your body. This is the beginning position.

Step 2 – Raise both legs from the floor and try to touch your nose using your knees.

Step 3 – Gently return your legs to the beginning position. Carry out 3 sets of this exercise, each set should be made up of 15 reps.

What you shouldn’t do

Try not to curve your back or scrunch your shoulders excessively.



Upper and lower abs.

The process

Step 1 – Lay flat on the floor or mat while flexing your knees. You should also place both heels on the floor or mat. While doing this, you are then to place both hands behind your head. Slowly raise both your head and shoulders from the floor with your gaze on the ceiling. This is the beginning position.

Step 2 – Lift the rest of your body from the floor using your core strength such that you arrive at a sitting position.

Step 3 – Return to the beginning position gradually. Try to do 2 sets of this exercise with 12 reps in each set.

What you shouldn’t do

Sit-ups and crunches are two different exercise routines, don’t get confused. When doing sit-ups, you have to sit up then go back to a lying position. You also don’t bring your elbows together in sit-ups.

Heel touch


Upper abs and obliques.

The process

Step 1 – Lay down on the floor or a mat and flex both legs keeping both feet wider than the shoulder-width. Your hands should be at your sides, shoulders relaxed, core engaged, and chin up.

Step 2 – Bend to the side and then use your right hand to touch your right heel.

3 – Do the same thing to the other side, trying to use your left hand to touch your left heel.

Step 4 – To round up a set, you need to do 20 reps. Do 3 sets of this routine, take a break of 20-minutes and move on to the next.

What you shouldn’t do

Don’t position your feet in close proximity to your hips.

Jackknife crunch


Upper abs, lower abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

The process

Step 1 – Lay flat on the floor or a mat then extend both hands over your head. This is the beginning position.

Step 2 – Ensure that both your neck and back are lined up properly while raising the upper part of your body. At the same time, raise both feet from the floor.

Step 3 – Try using your hands to touch both knees.

4 – Return to the beginning position. Do 3 sets, each with 12 reps.

What you shouldn’t do

While doing the exercise, ensure that you don’t let your headrest on the floor.

Russian Twist


Upper abs, obliques, glutes, and lower abs.

The process

Step 1 – Sit on the floor or a mat while lifting both legs. As you do this, ensure that both knees are flexed and you lean back a little. Join both palms to provide balance for your body. This is the beginning position.

Step 2 – Twist the upper part of your body to the left first, then towards the right.

What you shouldn’t do

As you carry out this exercise routine, avoid holding your breath.

A few Lifestyle Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat

Many people complain that after engaging in belly fat burning exercises, they see no changes. Well, these exercises to get rid of belly fat don’t work magically. One way to ensure they work fast is to tweak your lifestyle a little.

Here are a few things you can begin to do:

  1. Eat right.
  2. Drink water.
  3. Avoid sugar, use jaggery or honey instead.
  4. Take more vitamin C.
  5. Don’t skip breakfast.
  6. Sleep well at night.

Belly Fat Burning Exercises-Conclusion

We hope our list of belly fat burning exercises has been helpful? If you have any questions or you want to share some other exercises with us, share them with us in the comments section.

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