Health Benefits of Oranges

Health Benefits of Oranges

It is no secret that oranges contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and beta-carotene. These fruits have been used for several centuries to deal with many health conditions. In this post, we will share with you the health benefits of oranges.

Interesting Health Benefits of Oranges

Oranges possess several properties that make them provide you with so many health benefits. We wouldn’t just be showing you these benefits, we will share scientific proofs. Let’s dive straight in.

Aid weight loss

Oranges have very high fiber content. As a result, they tend to keep you fuller for longer periods by promoting satiety. This feeling of fullness is what contributes to weight loss.

For best results, nutritionists suggest that you stick to whole oranges rather than just the juice. You can take whole oranges instead of dessert. This prevents you from craving sweets.

Delays aging of the skin

This is one of the health benefits of oranges for the skin. Just like many other fruits in the citrus family, oranges help to protect your skin from UV-rays. Studies show that when you consume unripe oranges, you slow down the degradation of collagen.

Oranges contain several organic acids, minerals, flavonoids, and vitamins. All of these put together play a major role in keeping your skin healthy. The water content of oranges also assists in hydrating the skin.

Regulates blood pressure

Oranges contain a lot of potassium. This potassium is instrumental in regulating blood pressure. Research results reveal that even orange juice sold commercially has positive effects on blood pressure as well as associated ailments.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Studies reveal that men and women that consume orange juice for long have relatively lower cholesterol levels. Thus it is safe to say that taking orange juice daily will help you reduce bad cholesterol levels in your system.

Also, the fiber content of oranges ensures that they prevent the absorption of cholesterol in your digestive tract. Other nutrients present in oranges like vitamin C, flavonoids, and potassium also play a role in this regard.

Promotes heart health

Foods like oranges that contain a lot of vitamin C have positive effects on the heart. They help you to prevent heart disease because of their effect on cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C is instrumental in preventing your blood from clotting quickly. The benefit of this is the prevention of thrombosis or local blood clotting. This in turn reduces the risk of developing a heart attack.

Aids diabetes treatment

A recent study shows that diabetic patients could eat oranges along with a variety of fruits. The reason for this is the fruit’s healthy glycemic response in the body. Since oranges are pulpy, they are one of the best fruit sources of fiber.

These fibers slow down sugar absorption in the body consequently reducing blood sugar levels. It is best to stick to the whole orange fruit rather than just the juice for the best results.

Prevents kidney stones

One of the chief causes of kidney stones is citrate deficiency in human urine. Consuming oranges helps to deal with this deficiency and increase citrate levels considerably. This helps to protect you from kidney stones. Asides the citrate content of oranges, they also contain calcium which prevents kidney stones as well.

Helps to treat anemia

One of the infamous health benefits of oranges is that it helps to treat anemia. How is this possible? The vitamin C content of oranges helps to promote the absorption of iron which would have been impossible without vitamin C.

All you need to do is snack on an orange per day to enjoy this benefit. Also, oranges are rich in folic acid. This nutrient prevents you from developing megaloblastic anemia. Megaloblastic anemia is a disorder or the blood that results in fatigue.

Boosts immunity

One of the best ways to boost immunity is to consume lots of vitamin C. Like we have stated over and over in this post, oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. This implies that consuming lots of oranges will help boost your immunity.

Oranges also contain other nutrients that help in boosting immunity. Examples include copper and folate which are essential nutrients that promote immunity.

Reduces the risk of colon cancer

According to several research results, the juice from oranges helps to inhibit colon cancer. This is because of the presence of hesperidin, a flavonoid that possesses chemopreventive potential.

The fiber content of oranges is also very important in reducing colon cancer. This fiber is also instrumental in treating constipation because it aids digestion. However, some research results have inferred that oranges may cause one to gas because of their reduced fructose content.

Promotes eye health

It is no secret that the color present in oranges and other vegetables helps to promote eye health. What exactly is this orange color called? It is known as a carotenoid, a type of flavonoid that promotes good vision.

Individuals who consume lots of oranges are less at risk of developing macular degeneration. Even though these findings are true, there may still be a need for further research.

Are There Side Effects of Eating Oranges?

Even though there are so many health benefits of oranges, people still ask this question. Is it possible to eat oranges in excess? When you do, what happens?

We suggest that while you will enjoy great benefits from oranges, you should consume them in moderation. When consumed in excess, they may result in heartburn. This is because of their high acidic content.

Their acidic content may also result in indigestion and aggravation of Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Another famous side effect of consuming oranges excessively is abdominal pain. This may be because of the very high fiber content of oranges.

Finally, excessive consumption of oranges may result in diarrhea. As a result, we suggest that you put a cap on your daily consumption so you don’t suffer more harm than good.


Now that you know the different health benefits of oranges, you can enjoy oranges some more. There isn’t a specific number of oranges you should consume daily. However, we suggest that you don’t consume oranges in excess.

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