ICD 10 Code For Elevated Blood Pressure

ICD 10 Code For Elevated Blood Pressure

The ICD Code for elevated blood pressure is R03.0 and it is billable and needed for diagnosis and treatment of this condition. It is therefore important that you gain an understanding of the code.

This version of the code is the American version and it was adopted on October 1, 2018. It is important you know about this version of the code because there other international versions and you don’t want to be confused.

This post will also provide you more information about the medical condition, elevated blood pressure as knowing the ICD Code 10 for elevated blood pressure is not enough.

ICD 10 Code For Elevated Blood Pressure

Elevated Blood Pressure Overview

Forget the complicated grammar, elevated blood pressure is a medical term for when your blood rises a bit higher than normal. This condition is likely to result in high blood pressure, better known as hypertension. (To avoid hypertension, you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle when diagnosed with elevated pressure. Some key changes include eating healthy and getting more involved in exercise routines.

Stroke, heart attacks, and heart failure are all risks related to elevated blood pressure. To lead a better life and live above the risks, you need to lose excess weight, exercise more, and eat well.

Symptoms of Elevated Blood Pressure.

This is one of the few medical conditions that does not exhibit any symptoms. To be sure of your blood pressure, you need to track your readings frequently. The best means of checking your blood pressure is during routine medical visits or the use of a monitoring device at home.

When to Visit Your Physician

Every human being that is age 3 or above should take blood pressure readings at least once yearly at the hospital. If you have been diagnosed at least once with elevated blood pressure or any cardiovascular disease, it should be more.

Causes of Elevated Blood Pressure

Several factors could lead to this condition. Basically, anything that puts pressure against the walls of the artery is a potential cause of elevated blood pressure. Atherosclerosis which is the accumulation of fats in the arteries could result in high blood pressure.

Some other causative factors include:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Kidney disease
  • Adrenal disease
  • Thyroid disease

A couple of medications such as remedies for cold, birth control pills, OTC pain relievers, decongestants, and prescription drugs are also potential causes. Though in their case the condition could be temporary. Amphetamines, cocaine, and other illegal drugs could also create the same effect.

Risk Factors

Since there are no real symptoms of elevated blood pressure, it is important to note what puts you at risk;

  1. Obesity or being overweight: As your body mass increases, you will need more blood to supply your tissues nutrients and oxygen. This increase in blood volume directly causes an increase in the force pressing against your artery walls.
  2. Age: Younger adults rather than older adults, are more at risk of this condition. This probably conflicts with general layman knowledge but there’s an explanation. Older adults have already crossed into the region of hypertension, they are not likely to ever suffer from elevated blood pressure. This leaves young adults and obese children at risk.
  3. Sex: Men are more likely to develop high blood pressure until age 55 than women. However, the tables turn from that age upwards.
  4. Race: Africans are more prone to high blood pressure than white people. It develops at an earlier age among Africans.
  5. Family history: You are likely to develop any high blood pressure or elevated blood pressure. If any of your first degree relations have suffered any of them. First-degree relatives or siblings.
  6. Lack of exercise: Without exercising you put yourself at risk of being obese and developing elevated or high blood pressure.
  7. Poor diet: Two important nutrients the human body needs in varying quantities are sodium and potassium. If you consume too little potassium or too much sodium, you are at risk of this condition.
  8. Excess alcohol and tobacco: Excess consumption of alcohol is heavily linked with blood pressure issues. Smoking cigarettes or secondhand smoke, and chewing tobacco could also increase your blood pressure.
  9. Chronic conditions: Conditions like sleep apnea, kidney disease, and diabetes are among the chronic conditions leading to elevated blood pressure.


There is a possibility for elevated blood pressure to transcend into full-fledged hypertension. Hypertension could lead to damage of organs and put you at risk of conditions like heart failure, heart attack, aneurysms, stroke, and kidney failure.

Preventing Elevated Blood Pressure

It is simple, lead a healthy lifestyle which means you must do the following;

  1. Engage in exercise
  2. Eat healthily
  3. Reduce alcohol consumption
  4. Avoid tobacco products
  5. Manage stress
  6. Maintain a healthy weight
  7. Consume less salt

ICD 10 Code for Elevated Blood Pressure – Roundup

Now that you have gained these pieces of information about the ICD 10 Code for elevated blood pressure, you should be able to sort out any issues with the problem. If you notice any of the symptoms, make sure you visit your physician as soon as possible. Ensure you follow all the measures stated to prevent the condition and you can rest assured of healthy living.

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