ICD 10 Code For Right Ankle Pain

If you sought out this post then you definitely have heard about the ICD 10 code for right ankle pain. Understanding the idea of ICD 10 codes can be quite tricky but this post will help you grasp it as much as possible.

The American version of the ICD 10 code for right ankle pain is M25.571. It is the code covering right ankle pain as well as in the joints around the right foot. This code came into use on October 1, 2018, and it is used for diagnosis purposes.

Now that you have an idea of the American version of the ICD 10 for right ankle pain let’s discuss a bit about right ankle pain, what it is, the causes, and treatments.

What is Right Ankle Pain?

You probably have felt right ankle pain at some point in your life or you are feeling it right now. The pain could be excruciating and unbearable. In some cases, it could be immobilizing as you feel like taking the next step could totally crush your ankle. The question that begs to be answered is, “what is right ankle pain?

ICD 10 code for right angle pain

Right ankle pain is simply any form of discomfort or pain you feel around your right ankle. Any of the pain or discomfort could be a result of an injury, a sprain, or some other medical condition like arthritis.

It was recorded by the National University of Health Sciences that right ankle pain is most commonly caused by a sprain in that ankle. As a matter of fact, 85 percent of ankle pains generally are caused by sprains. A sprain is simply when any of the ligaments (sometimes more than one) gets overstretched or torn.

The most type of sprains that occur in ankles are known as lateral sprains. They are a result of the foot rolling. Foot rolls make the outer part of the ankle twist groundward. As simple as this may be, it ends up stretching the ligaments or ripping them apart. Swelling and bruising in a sprained ankle could last up to 14 days but when severe, it could take months to be healed completely.

What Causes Right Ankle Pain?

We have already established ankle sprains as the major cause of right ankle, in fact, general ankle pains. However, they are not the only causes. The discomfort or pain in the ankle could also be a result of any of the following:

  1. Arthritis, especially osteoarthritis.
  2. Blocked blood vessels
  3. Injury or damage to the nerve, like sciatica.
  4. Joint infections

We have already discussed sprains in the ankle and how they could lead to ankle pain, so there is no need to over-flog the issue. The logic is simple, when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched beyond the limit or torn, you will definitely feel pain in your ankle.

Gouts are a result of the accumulation of uric acid within the body system. Uric acid is the resultant product of the decomposition of old cells by the body. In some cases, this uric acid becomes excess and then forms crystals that are deposited in different parts of the body. These crystals cause a lot of pain when they are deposited in the joints of the ankle.

Sometimes, a phenomenon known as pseudogout occurs in the body. This simply means the deposition or accumulation of calcium in the body. When this occurs in the joints, it leads to very sharp and excruciating pain.

The major symptoms associated with gouts and pseudogout are:

  1. Swelling
  2. Severe pain
  • Redness of the area.

Another major cause of right ankle pain is arthritis. Arthritis is a condition which is caused by the inflammation or swelling of the joints. Arthritis majorly occurs in joints and it leads to severe pain and reduced mobility in the joint.

There are various types of arthritis and each of them can equally cause pain in the right ankle. However, the most common type of arthritis that causes ankle pain is osteoarthritis. This condition is a result of wear and tear, commonly known as friction, in the joints. It is more common among older folks and it is more painful as well. In simple words, the older you get, the more prone you are to osteoarthritis.

Another type of arthritis that causes a lot of pain in the right ankle is septic arthritis. This type of arthritis is a result of fungal or bacterial infection to the joints. When the joints of the right ankle are affected it could result in right ankle pain.

How to Care For Right Ankle Pain

You can begin your treatment of the pain without visiting the hospital immediately. In fact, if it is not too severe and it is well managed, you don’t even need to visit a medical facility at all. There is a prescribed treatment method when you decide to treat it from home. It is known as the RICE method. RICE is an acronym for:

  1. Don’t put any stress on the ankle and keep it as stationary as possible. If you have to move within the first few days, do so with a cane or crutches.
  2. Ice numbs the pain and reduces the swelling. Get an ice pack and apply the ice to the surface of the ankle 20 minutes at a stretch. Take breaks of 90 minutes in between each session and do it between 3 to 5 times daily. Stop applying the ice after the third day.
  • Use a bandage to wrap the ankle joint. It shouldn’t be too tight so that you don’t feel numb in the ankle.
  1. You should endeavor to elevate the ankle above the heart level using a stack of pillows any time that you can.
  2. Carry out a few exercises like rotating the ankle in circles, both clockwise and anticlockwise.

If you feel like taking medication to reduce swelling and pain, take some ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Make sure you eat healthily and keep your body weight in check.

ICD 10 Code For Right Ankle Pain-Wrap Up

At this point, you must have gained a lot of knowledge about the ICD 10 code for right ankle pain. It is important that we mention that this is the American version of the code. This is because there are other international versions of the code and you might be confused if it is not clearly stated. Be sure that we will inform you once the codes have been updated as we expect they will be in the nearest future.

Also, check ICD 10 Code for dyslipidemia

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