Throbbing Tooth Pain That Comes And Goes

Throbbing Tooth Pain That Comes And Goes

Toothache simply refers to the pain in and around the teeth and jaws that are often caused by tooth decay. So, if you are searching for throbbing tooth pain that comes and goes then read to learn how to deal with it.

You may feel toothache in several ways. It can come and go or it may become constant. During eating or drinking the pain can worsen, especially if the food or drink is hot or cold.



The pain sensation can also be mild or severe. The experience may be “sharp” and start all of a sudden. It can be worse at night, especially when you’re lying down. A lost filling or broken tooth can sometimes start the pain sensation.

It can also sometimes be hard to decide if the pain is in your upper or lower teeth. Any time a lower molar tooth is affected, the pain can usually feel like it’s coming from the ear.

The toothache from other upper teeth may feel like it’s coming from the sinuses. Also from the small air-filled cavities that is behind the cheekbones and forehead.

The region of your jaw that is close to the infected tooth can likewise be sore and tender to touch.

There is a possibility for periodontal disease to produce “dull” pain. Periodontal disease refers to a bacterial infection that affects the soft and hard structures that support the teeth.

What Are The Causes Of Throbbing Tooth Pain?

1.  Cavities

This is actually one of the commonest causes of throbbing tooth pain. This pain is often felt more when you are eating something very hot or very cold.

2.  Trauma

Throbbing pain from the tooth can also be as a result of being hit on the tooth. Other situation may be the face with a ball, a fall, and trauma due to an accident or being punched in the face. This may bring about damage to the nerves of the tooth resulting in pain.

3.  Tooth Fracture

A fracture means a crack or break in the tooth. This can occur by biting on hard foods like bone, a fall, or by getting hit in the jaw. However, this fracture can lead to throbbing pain if the nerve is exposed or damaged.

4.  Damaged Filling

If a filling is too high and has worn off or cracked, it could also cause throbbing pain.

5.  Grinding Or Clenching

Grinding or clenching down on the teeth can cause tooth, jaw, and gum pain. These actions can happen on account of stress, habit or could be genetic. This increases the likelihood of fractured teeth, pain, and cavities.

6.  Gum Disease

This as well is one of the causes of throbbing pain. Any disease on the gums may result in tooth decay. It can also lead to pus formation or sensitivity which in turn can cause throbbing pain.

7.  Sinus infections

Sinus are known as the air-filled spaces in the head region. If a problem occurs with any of them, the symptoms could be like tooth pain. This occurs because the sinuses and the roots of the teeth are really close to each other.

If after thoroughly examining the tooth and your dentist is not able to find the cause for the pain, you may have to visit your general physician to rule out sinus infection as an underlying cause.

8.  Pulpitis

This is a condition in which the inner layer of the tooth gets inflamed. Typically, there are two forms which are reversible and irreversible pulpitis.

Reversible pulpitis responds to treatment and gets better while irreversible pulpitis doesn’t get better with the treatment solution. Pulpitis may be caused as a result of an ill-fitting crown, tooth cavity, a blow to your tooth. Others may be grinding of one’s teeth which leads to exposure of the pulp and others.

9.  After A Tooth Extraction

Throbbing tooth pain may also be a result of tooth extraction. After the procedure, some level of throbbing may be experienced in the first few days. The pain depends on the level of damage done within the gums and bone during the extraction.

10.  After A Root Canal Treatment

A badly damaged or decayed tooth is usually fixed through the process of a root canal. During this procedure, the tooth pulp is taken out and the area is then cleaned and filled.

Some common causes which may require root canal treatment are a cracked tooth, deep cavity, or trauma to the tooth. During this condition, pain may persist for some time before it starts subsiding.

11.  Tooth Abscess

An abscess is a range of pus. For a tooth to be abscessed, implies that all or part of the pulp tissue may be dead. The pulp is the living region of the tooth that has got the nerve and blood vessels.

Once there is harm to the pulp as an effect of a trauma or a cavity, it could bring about an abscess if left untreated. The abscess it forms can cause a throbbing pain that comes and goes.

12.  Eruption Of A Tooth

New growing teeth can hurt in the gums, jaw, and surrounding teeth. For instance, teething babies, children growing new teeth older people growing wisdom teeth.

Adding to the throbbing pain, other symptoms that may occur include

  • Sharp pain on biting
  • A shocking sensation on the teeth.
  • Gum or jaw swelling
  • Pus collection in the gums
  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Constant pain which may be dull.

How to know the symptoms of a throbbing tooth pain

Furthermore, on throbbing pain, some other symptoms of a toothache can include:

  • Sharp pain when you bite
  • Pain when you eat something sweet
  • Constant dull ache
  • A sensitive or tingly teeth
  • Pain or tenderness in the mouth
  • Pain or aching in the jaw
  • Mouth or gum swelling
  • Redness
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • A bad smell in the mouth
  • Pus or white fluid
  • Fever

Both young and old can have a toothache. It is advisable to see a dentist immediately you feel any signs or symptoms. You will likely need a dental exam and an X-ray to uncover out what’s causing the toothache.

How to Self-Diagnose Throbbing Pains

First of all, self-diagnosis of dental pain or any other kind of physical pain is for short term purposes only. However, it should be utilized only as rudimentary information until you get the opportunity to visit a doctor, dentist, or specialist. You should not take the information found on the internet and use it as a replacement for a qualified medical opinion.

Nevertheless, gathering as much information as you can assist you to approach your appointment with less fear and apprehension. It will also give you an understanding of what to expect from the doctor. Especially, as regards diagnosis and further treatment. This is the reason personal research can be valuable.

There are as many different forms of toothache as there are teeth in your mouth. So your symptoms might not exactly match the ones described below. However, this guide will help you to explain your toothache to the dentist. As well as help you to identify some temporary relief as you wait for an appointment with the doctor. You must not pick or play with problem teeth, because you will simply introduce bacteria into the mouth.

You can make use of the following guide for the various different toothache types in diagnosing the source of your dental issues.

1.  Intermittent Sharp ‘Jabbing’ Pains

This toothache is less of an ache and more like an irregular jabbing or stabbing sensation within one or even more several teeth. It is normally felt in reaction to a stimulus. The pain usually comes and goes, but it is very painful when it comes. This type of pain could be caused by a crack, cavity, or abscess.

2.  Sharp Tooth Sensitivity

This kind of pain will feel similar to the one described above. However, it will definitely be felt when the tooth is exposed to a change in temperatures. In severe cases, even cold air can cause a painful sensation. Just like a stabbing pain, it could be due to a cavity or even an abscess. It could also be caused by rough brushing or gum recession.

3.  Dull Nagging Toothache

This is a very common type of toothache, though it is usually mild.  Its persistence and deep dull sensation can make it a hard problem to handle. It usually goes away after taking over the counter painkillers. This should not be a substitution for treatment. The dull nagging toothache may be caused by nerve damage or tooth decay. It is very important that you consult your dentist immediately. People who grind their teeth often experience this type of.

4.  Extreme Throbbing Pain

If you’re suffering from an extremely painful tooth, you may be required to consult your dentist and schedule an appointment. This is particularly important if you notice that your face is swollen because it signifies that you have developed an infection or abscess. It should be treated or you may begin to feel worse.

5.  Pain Only When Eating

If you develop toothache only while eating, the problem will most likely be tooth decay or it may also be a dental fracture. Once more, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. This type of pain can normally be controlled with over-the-counter medication, but you would not want to wait too prior to examining your mouth.

6.  Pain at the Back of the Jaw

This sort of pain is not as common as others. This is because it often signifies an impacted wisdom tooth and they are not something that happens for everyone. It can be very frustrating to know that you have problem wisdom teeth. Some people develop them without any pain or complications, but you may still need to get them examined. However, if left untreated, they will simply cause more pain in the long run.

How Can I Treat A Throbbing Tooth Pain?

The treatment of throbbing tooth pain is dependent on some causes such as:

1) Should the pain be caused by a cavity, your dentist will have to fill the hole depending on the extent of the damage. If the decay is much, you may really require a more complex procedure like a root canal treatment.

2) If as a result of having a fractured tooth, your dentist may fill the tooth. He or she may put a cap or crown on the tooth or possibly do a root canal treatment. If the fracture is much and long as the tooth can be saved, the tooth may be removed.

3) If due to highly damaged or worn out filling, then the filling will be replaced or repaired. Chances are you’ll also need a crown on the tooth in the event it has become too damaged to be filled.

4) If the pain is because of gum disease or infection, antibiotics will be prescribed by your dentist to treat the infection. The treatment includes regular cleaning, deep cleaning and as well, root planning to keep the teeth and gums in good shape. In severe cases, gum surgery is usually necessary.

5) If a newly growing tooth is actually causing the pain, pain medication, warm water, and salt rinse or a gel to numb soreness may be applied. The tooth may even be removed if it is held in the bone or is damaging other teeth or the surrounding gums.

6) If it is caused by a tooth abscess, treatment includes as follows:
  • Antibiotics to treat the infection
  • Draining the pus
  • In the case the abscess is caused by gum disease, the gums will need to be cleaned.
  • Also, where it is caused by a cracked tooth or decay, then a root canal treatment will be carried out. However, if the tooth is beyond repair, it will be extracted.

7) If as a result of clenching or grinding, the actual cause needs to be determined so that it could be treated. More so, if the clenching is due to stress or anxiety, the patients may require counseling and stress relief.

Wearing a mouth guard at night can help prevent the grinding habit, likewise protect the teeth.

8) Throbbing tooth pain after extraction is relieved by prescription of pain medication by the dentist. This medication should be taken until your symptoms ease off.

9) Tooth pain that occurs after a root canal treatment is usually relieved using pain medication. In addition, good dental hygiene practices like brushing twice daily are good.

How To Prevent Throbbing Tooth Pain?

As with all other illnesses, prevention, as the saying goes, is better much better than cure. Tooth pain is often a common symptom but may well be prevented. Since the most common cause of this pain is tooth decay, good oral hygiene practices can prevent it.

These practices mostly consist of brushing your teeth regularly with toothpaste that contains fluoride. Then, rinse once or twice a day a good antiseptic mouthwash.

Also, reduce your consumption of foods that are high in carbohydrates, sodas, sugary snacks, and beverages.

You need to visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning and also routine checks. This enables the treatment of decay or defect before it gets uglier. After a tooth extraction or root canal treatment, to ensure that you take your prescribed medications.


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