Publié le 6 août 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Sprained Ankle Treatment – Causes and Treatment

Before we look at sprained ankle treatment, let’s take a look at what a sprained ankle is. When an ankle sprain occurs, what happens is that the ligaments holding the ankle tear or stretch. Ligaments function as the connecting tissue holding bones together or bone to cartilage. Many people confuse sprains for strains, professionally, they are two different conditions. While sprains refer to injured ligaments, strains affect tendons or muscles. Despite the difference between both conditions, their symptoms are quite similar. This is why you need a doctor to expertly differentiate between a sprain and a strain. Truth be told,
Publié le 6 août 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Home Remedies For Typhoid

Home remedies for Typhoid fever? When a person’s immune system is weak, the person becomes open to several diseases. One such disease is typhoid. Typhoid is considered a potential killer and it is quite common especially in developing countries. There are several home remedies for typhoid. We advise that once you notice symptoms of typhoid, you reach you, doctor, early. If typhoid goes untreated it could cause damage to organs and even death. In this post, we take a look at some of the home remedies for typhoid. If you are ready, let’s get straight to the crux of this
Publié le 6 août 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Types of Fractures – Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Before we look into the different types of fractures, it is imperative that we understand bone fracture definition. In simple terms, a fracture is a medical condition where there is a break in the continuity of a bone. This is why it is alternatively referred to as a bone fracture. Most of the fractures experienced are a result of stress or high force impact. In some other cases, fractures may be as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken bones. Some of these include cancers, osteogenesisimperfecta (brittle bone disease), or osteoporosis. When the fracture is a result of another
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Kidney Disease Symptoms And Treatment

Our kidneys are very important organs that are stationed toward the lower part of our backs. They play a major role in several stages of our body metabolism. This is why when they fail it is mostly fatal. Therefore, it wise you know kidney disease symptoms It is very important to know about kidney disease symptoms. The earlier you notice these symptoms and begin to take treatment, the better. In this post, we will show you the symptoms and causes of kidney disease. Defining Kidney Failure Before we even begin discussing kidney disease symptoms, it is imperative that you know
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Health Benefits of Onions According to Nutritionist

Many of us do not like onions because they make us cry. However, there are so many health benefits of onions, we shouldn’t go a day without them. The truth is that every vegetable comes with unique health benefits. Onions are no different as they are loaded with lots of nutrients. Onions, just like garlic, leeks, chives, and shallots, are from the Allium genus. This makes them vegetables. They contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, and several powerful plant compounds. This makes them very important in sustaining human health. From ancient times until now, man has discovered several health benefits
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Well Woman Supplement – Pros and Cons

Once a woman crosses different thresholds in her life, her mineral and vitamin needs change. This is because of the changes their bodies go through. Such changes include menopause and bone density to mention a few. This is why there is a need for well woman supplement. The changes that occur can result in deterioration of the heart and vision stemming from mineral and vitamin deficiencies. There are several vitamin supplements on the market but Well woman products are recognized all over the world. In this post, we will share a few secrets about this product, what it contains, and
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Female Fertility Test – Best Options Available

Many couples have problems with infertility. Want to know why? It is probably because fertility tests can end up changing the lives of the individuals completely. In this post, we will discuss the female fertility test. But medicine has made so much breakthrough that it infertility issues shouldn’t be so much of a problem anymore. It isn’t as bleak as we paint it to be. According to medicine, a couple is deemed to have infertility problems after a whole year of failing to conceive. Looking at that statistic, it seems like a huge problem but further research proves it fairly
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Low Carb Diet Recipes- Best Meal Plans

More and more people are seeing the need to eat healthily these days. Doing this goes a long way to affect the kind of lives we lead. One way to eat healthily is to adopt low carb diets, which leads to providing of info on the low carb diet recipes. These diets have so many benefits. The challenge is that many people don’t know much about low card diet recipes. Well, making this kind of diet is easy and you don’t need too many ingredients. In this post, we will show you a few recipes to add to your low
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Smoothies For Diabetics With Proven Results

Searching for smoothies for diabetics? Being diabetic shouldn’t stop you completely from eating the foods you love. True, there are some restrictions but you can go with many healthy food options. Vegetables and fruits are very healthy as they contain lots of nutrients that your body needs. Another fact you should note is that not all vegetables and fruits are good for diabetics. But you can make smoothies for diabetics with the healthy ones. Your best options are those that wouldn’t spike blood sugar levels. Smoothies give us access to the nutrients packed in healthy fruits and vegetables. However, it
Publié le 6 juil. 2020
7 minutes de lecture

Keto Recipes For Healthy Living

Have you heard about living a “keto” lifestyle and you think it is impossible? Think again dear friend. There are tons of keto recipes out there to help you achieve your aim. In this post, we will share a couple of helpful recipes with you. After reading through, you should try making them at home to lead a healthier lifestyle. Ready? Let’s dive in. What is a keto diet? You must have been hearing about keto diets or leading a keto lifestyle for a while. After all, it is the new cool. But what does “keto diet” mean? Aketo diet